Hey There
AfroSwissters is proud to announce that we are now officially registered as a non-profit association in Switzerland. This status is an important milestone for our organization and reflects our commitment to building a strong community of Black women in Switzerland.
As a registered association, AfroSwissters is now able to apply for funding and grants, which will allow us to expand our programs and services. We are excited about the possibilities this new status will bring and are eager to continue our work of empowering and supporting Black women in Switzerland.
Thank you to all of our members and supporters who have helped us reach this important milestone. We look forward to the future and the positive impact we can make together.
All About Me
The AfroSwissters association is established in accordance with Art. 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) and is based in Switzerland.
Article 2: Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of the AfroSwissters Association is to bring together Afro Swiss women of all ages and backgrounds to empower each other, foster sisterhood and solidarity, and advocate for the recognition and respect of Afro Swiss women's contributions to Swiss society.
1.1 Name: The association is called "AfroSwissters", hereafter referred to as "the association".
1.2 Legal Status: The association is a non-profit organization registered under Swiss law and is politically neutral.
1.3 Headquarters: The headquarters of the association are located at the address registered with the Swiss authorities.
2.1 Mission: AfroSwissters is a platform for empowering, connecting, and celebrating Afro Swiss women. We are dedicated to promoting financial inclusion, social and cultural integration, and advocacy for women of color, their forefathers, and next generations. Our mission is to create a safe space for Afro Swiss women to share their experiences, build their skills, and support each other. We believe that by working together and embracing our diversity, we can break down systemic barriers and create a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.
2.2 Objectives: The objectives of the association are:
a) To promote financial inclusion, social and cultural integration, and advocacy for women of African descent in Switzerland.
b) To create a safe space for Afro Swiss women to share their experiences, build their skills, and support each other.
c) To organize workshops, seminars, and webinars to provide members with opportunities to learn, grow, and develop new skills.
d) To organize networking events to provide members with opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.
e) To celebrate and promote African culture and heritage through cultural events and festivals.
f) To partner with other organizations and companies to leverage platforms and work with tech to disrupt old narratives, break biases, and create our own power and growth stories by championing each other.
g) To collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and companies to amplify our voice and impact and achieve our collective goals.
3.1 Eligibility: AfroSwissters is open to any black woman in Switzerland, regardless of her background, whether she was born here, moved here as a refugee, asylum seeker, as a constant wanderer, spouse, or for work. Membership is open to all women of African descent who subscribe to the mission and objectives of AfroSwissters.
3.2 Allies: AfroSwissters also welcomes women of all other colors to join as allies. We recognize that only by walking in tandem and uniting as women can we break other systemic and suppressive structures in Swiss society. As allies, women of all colors can offer their support to our community, participate in events, and engage in discussions on issues of intersectionality, race, and gender.
4.1 Structure: The association shall be run by a board of directors consisting of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members. The members of the board of directors shall be elected at the annual general assembly and shall serve a two-year term.
4.2 Functions of the Board of Directors: The board of directors shall be responsible for the overall management of the association, including but not limited to:
a) Organizing events and activities in line with the objectives of the association.
b) Managing the finances of the association and preparing an annual report.
c) Setting the strategic direction of the association.
d) Representing the association to external stakeholders.
e) Ensuring compliance with Swiss law and regulations.
f) Appointing an executive director to manage the day-to-day operations of the association.
4.3 Honorary Chairwoman: The founder of the association shall retain an honorary chairwoman position for life. The honorary chairwoman shall serve in an advisory capacity and shall have the right to attend board meetings in a non-voting capacity and provide guidance and advice to the board of directors as deemed necessary. The honorary chairwoman shall also be invited to attend any special events hosted by the organization and be recognized as a distinguished guest.