Impressum / Imprint
Name of Organization: AfroSwissters
Legal Form: Non-profit organization (Verein) under Article 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB)
Leimbachstrasse, 43
8041 Zurich
Contact Information:
Email: tallulah@afroswissters.ch
Website: www.afroswissters.ch
Responsible for Content:
Tallulah Patricia Bär (President)
Purpose of the Organization:
AfroSwissters is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women of African descent in Switzerland through community building, visibility, education, and international networking. For more details, refer to the organization's statutes.
While we strive to keep the information on this website accurate and up-to-date, AfroSwissters cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the content. AfroSwissters is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the website.
Liability for Links:
Our website may contain links to external third-party websites. We have no influence over the content of these external sites and therefore cannot accept liability for their content. Responsibility for the content of linked sites lies solely with their respective operators.
All content, images, and texts on this website are the property of AfroSwissters unless otherwise stated. Reproduction or use of such material is prohibited without prior written permission from AfroSwissters.
Bank Details for Donations:
Legal Notice:
This imprint complies with the requirements of Swiss law for transparency in online communication and publication.